
Jul 14 2016

IRU showcases TIR benefits to Arab world

IRU highlighted the benefits of implementing TIR to facilitate trade and international road transport, at a World Customs Organization (WCO) meeting in Brussels today.


Representing the Private Sector Consultative Group in a newly set up policy dialogue between the WCO policy commission and the private sector, IRU shared its experiences in working with Customs administrations on trade and transport facilitation in the Middle East and North Africa. Participants included several Customs delegations from European Union member states, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Argentina, as well as private sector representatives.


Rani Wehbe, IRU Senior Adviser for the Middle East, outlined public and private sector benefits of implementing international facilitation instruments, notably the TIR and Harmonization Conventions. He called for more predictability and transparency in the trade and transport community both regionally and globally. Read more



Source: IRU