
May 18 2018

First TIR transports in China advance Belt and Road prospects

The world’s biggest trading nation opens its borders for TIR operations today. Offering time savings in China of up to 80%, the global customs transit standard connects 73 countries across the world and is a cornerstone of the Belt and Road initiative to boost economic and trade development.

Marked today at a ceremony in Dalian, a key port in northeast Asia and one of six TIR-ready Belt and Road gateways, the first transport operations under TIR will enhance interconnectivity between countries along routes across the region.


With the potential to increase the total trade volume among China and other major countries along the Belt and Road route by up to USD 13.6 billion, representing 1.4% of China’s total volume of trade exports, the activation of TIR will see Chinese goods going global with greater efficiency, while foreign imports will be faster and safer. The development shows the country’s commitment to seeking mutual benefit, and a two-way opening up of international road transport. Read more


Source: IRU