
Jun 29 2020

UK government to announce massive investment plans

This week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to announce a massive programme of infrastructure investment for the UK. There is speculation as to how big the programme will be, and where the money will be invested. Questions are being asked as to how much rail freight can expect to benefit.

In an interview with the Mail on Sunday newspaper, Johnson revealed plans for an economic recovery task force, which will have an emphasis on infrastructure rebuilding, including rail development. The prime minister was also the first studio guest interviewed by Times Radio, which launched today. He reiterated the message in an interview, reported in The Guardian, which names the initiative as ‘Project Speed’ and is to be a task force overseen by UK chancellor Rishi Sunak.


Lightning flash, economic thunderclap

In a social media post, the prime minister set the scene. “We want to build our way back to health”, said Johnson, referring to the coronavirus pandemic which has crippled the UK economy and could push unemployment levels beyond even the early 1980s, according to commentators. “If COVID-19 was a lightning flash, we’re about to have the thunderclap of the economic consequences. We’re going to be ready”, he said. Read more